Here are the sleeping quarters. We were very impressed with Hotel Park City. The room was very private with a nordic ski track in the back. We could wake up and look out the window to people skiing around.
On Saturday we went to see the play "Music Man." I really enjoyed it. It really sums up how funny it is that we are so gullible as individuals and a society. Great music too. After that we had dinner in a tent (Norwegian Yurt) up at 8000 ft. We rode a snowcat up to the tent and they had dinner a cookin'. We felt so removed from the world, which made for a very romantic experience. The food was miraculous, but the company and (at the same time) the solitude capped off a great evening.
On Sunday we took to the tubing slopes and this was one of my favorite in-action shots of Jenn.
We figured since it was our honeymoon we would give Deer Valley a try for skiing. We almost didn't go because of the weather - but we were so glad we did. (Insert plug for toe-warmers) Toe warmers rock. I think we could survive in the mountains with no food or water for a month in the middle of winter - just as long as we have toe-warmers. Jenn let me cut trails and meet up with her - so the first picture is after I had come down from an upper trail. The powder was up to my knees in the woods.
This is after climbing out of a ravine - that I didn't expect to be there. It looks really cold but I was sweating. Up at the peak Jenn and I could barely see anything because of blowing snow. I know those of you reading this (while sipping your hot chocolate) may think these actions are crazy. Let me tell you - sitting on your butt while a chair takes you up to a 9000 foot peak to experience an angry mountain is nothing short of exhilarating. I highly recommend it!
Snowmobiling was next. We saw some great views and just enjoyed what the mountains had to offer. Peace. and. quiet. (Except of course the roar of the motor). So...uh...this thing had a warming function on the little nob you use to give it gas with your thumb. That was freakin' awesome! Considering my thumb almost fell off before I learned how to activate the warmer.
Last but not least is my beautiful wife. She was such fun company and is very adventurous. She even ordered lobster tail and scallops for dinner. It turned out to be one of our favorites of the trip!
Hopefully this is just the first of many adventurous - it was a great start!
yay for lunas de miel! let's do it again. you're the world's best planner of trips. love, the wifey
Good job on posting some pictures, Aaron! I was excited to see! And I'll disagree with you a CAN buy some happiness if you use your money the right way. For our second anniversary we decided to go 'all out' and spend the money to stay at the Grand America Hotel...5 star. Well, we weren't really that impressed. Sure it was nice...but I don't know, we just weren't that impressed. A waste of money. :)
Looks like an awesome honeymoon!
I wouldn't say money buys happiness, but it does allow you to experience some things you normally may not be able to.
Good job updating your blog! Great pics. Especially the fun action shots. Sounds like you guys had a blast and it was a great honeymoon to remember.
Start saving your money for your 1st anniversary trip and make that one a good one to remember. In fact, try to plan a trip each year for your anniversary, no matter where it may be or how much money you may have or if it's a weekend camping in a tent or a week on a tropical island at a fancy resort. Doesn't matter. Celebrate the occasion by enjoying time alone with each other each year!
Hmm...wasn't planning on giving advice, that just sort of came out as I was writing. LOL
Great post Aaron!
Yeah.. .Music Man was a childhood fav of mine.... I love the train scene... where the guys all make train sounds.... and when the town people are listening to the Music Man... make his pitch... and they all start chanting... Trouble, trouble, trouble.... building to a crescendo...and waving their hands...
Yeah, we've got trouble... right here in river city... with a capital T that rhymes with P and stands for Pool!!
A classic!!
But, while I totally understand your point, I too disagree only slightly and you are surely on the same page.
Money isn't necessary for happiness and it can't buy happiness. Some of the saddest people in the world are the wealthy and some of the happiest are the poorest of poor.
But money and nice things and a good job that provides opportunities to use money productively as well as for our personal satisfaction.... that all contributes to happiness.
When the scriptures say that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into heaven..... I think that means that rich people tend to become proud and selfish... and unworthy of heaven.
So the disagreement is slight and only based on semantics..... If pride and selfishness are kept in check, money can be a great contributor to happiness.
However, it isn't NECESSARY for happiness. It just contributes to it in many ways.
But all philosophical meanderings aside, your honeymoon sounded great and thanks for sharing details. It makes me want to splurge and go do some of that, and in the process, buy some happiness.
Oh, we've got trouble (waiving my hands)... right here in river city.....
By the way, my other fav from the movie was the song, Goodnight my Someone... I had a huge crush on partridge mom who played that part in the original movie....
Goodnight my someone, goodnight my love... sweet dreams my someone, sweet dreams my love... I wish I may and I wish I might, so goodnight my someone, my love....
I could go on...
Who can forget little Opey who sang with a lisp.... Oh oh the Wells Fargo Wagon is a commming down the street oh please let it be for me......
Anyway, you guys should rent the original movie. It was, and is a classic!!!
You'll be singing these songs for years! Maybe you are already!
What a long post!!
I'm glad you guys had a good time on your trip. And I too have a newfound appreciation for footwarmers. BTW "Music Man" is my dad's favorite musical and I grew up with it. Watch the old movie because the guy who plays Harold Hill is the one from the original broadway version. He is brillant.
love, the Meagan
C'mon people, don't you know Aaron well enough to know he doesn't REALLY think money buys happiness? I guess sarcasm doesn't translate sometimes...
That looked like a really cool trip!
haha thanks Nich. I was wondering that myself. Does everyone think that I really believe you have to have money to be happpy? I hope not.
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